2020 Big, Beautiful, & Bright Orange Challenge

There's been a resurgence in the cultivation of giant pumpkins where color & symmetry are as important as size here in the upper Midwest. While our club has a long standing history of growers who focus on spectacular color, we are aiming to empower and incentivize growers across the globe with seed genetics and rewards for producing world-class, Howard Dill award-winning giant pumpkins.  As such, The SCGA has assembled a lineup of reliably-orange genetic seeds as well as a globally accessible prize structure to encourage participation.  Detailed here:

For the 2020 growing season, the SCGA will put up $300 in prize money if you grow a 2019 Alits or 2019 Foss seed (seeds listed below) and win one of the categories described here.  You do not need to be a SCGA member to participate or win. If you obtained one of the qualifying seeds below at an auction or thru the seed exchange,  you qualify.

If you need seeds, they are available here: Big, Beautiful, & Bright Orange Seeds

Rule #1: The grower must grow one of the seeds below and keep track of the seed. The pumpkin must be weighed at a GPC-sanctioned weigh-off site and win the Howard Dill award.

The $300 prize money will be split in three categories: 

First $100 to the largest HD winner grown using either Ailts or Foss 2019 seed.  

Second $100 for the prettiest HD winner grown using either an Ailts or Foss 2019 seed. (Selected by the growers on Please take multiple photos.)

Third $100 will be a drawing from a hat of all HD winners grown on either an Alits or Foss 2019 seed. 

Qualifying Seed:

1211 Ailts 2018(1374 Engel x self) Harvestfest 2018 Winner, 2018 Howard Dill Champion of the North

1002 Ailts 2019 (1211 Ailts x 1211 Alits) Altoona, WI HD winner, 2019 Howard Dill Champion of the North. 

692 Ailts 2019 (1211 x 1211 Ailts) Harvestfest 2019 HD Winner.

Foss 2019 Orange Genetic Crosses

350 Foss est. (1211 Ailts X 1211 Ailts)  One of six grown on this one plant.

547 Foss(1211Ailts x 2152 Gantner) One of six grown on this one plant.

340 Foss est. (740 Wolf x 1211 Ailts) One of three grown on this one plant.

450 est. Foss (1211 Ailts x 740 Wolf) One of six grown on this one plant.                        

The 740 Wolf is a 359 Foss x 811 Gerhardt both HD winners and many HD producers.

The 740’s were a bright orange, all the 1211’s were a bright reddish orange.

If you have any questions, feel free to email

All entries must be submitted by October 31, 2020.

A big Thank You for growing our seeds.  Joe and Bill

Comments (Responses)

02 December, 2020



02 December, 2020



15 November, 2020



15 November, 2020



31 October, 2020



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